
Thursday 26 November 2009

Buzzword Alert – ‘Engagement’

Engagement has become a bit of a buzzword recently. This came as a surprise to us as we’ve always put engagement at the heart of everything we do. And our experience has taught us a thing or two – here’s a taster:

• Build a dialogue by providing an opportunity and a reason to respond. Take the time to understand your audience and then use this knowledge to add something relevant/interesting/useful/new/cool to their lives and they will want to engage. Then give them the tools to communicate this to their friends.

Miller Genuine Draught - ‘This is My Glasgow’ photographic mural

Miller Genuine Draught - ‘This is My Glasgow’ photographic mural

• Understand their passions and how your brand could help them in the pursuit of these in a relevant and credible way. For EA we created ‘Big in the Game’ workshops in all aspects of hip hop, inspired by EA’s titles. For Miller Genuine Draught we captured 18-24 year old Glaswegians passion for their city through ‘This is my Glasgow’, a consumer-generated photographic celebration of Glasgow.

• Be long-termist in your engagement strategy. You will be considered more genuine, and credible and thus build a far deeper connection.

• Create real authenticity online by building relationships with, and getting endorsements from online influencers - bloggers and influential social networkers in the relevant sector.

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